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Review Adata XPG Gammix S11 960GB NVMe SSD

Adata XPG Gammix S11 960GB NVMe SSD Review: Top Dollar Performance At Bottom Dollar Prices

Features and Specifications

Regardless of whether you diversion, make content, or are simply searching for a quick, high-limit SSD that isn't as costly as the Samsung 970 PRO, look no more remote than Adata's 960GB XPG Gammix S11. With rankling speeds, a five-year guarantee, and enough continuance to fulfill most clients, the XPG Gammix S11 has what you've been searching for and accompanies a smart heatsink to coordinate the warmth it carries with it.

The XPG Gammix S11 satisfied its charging in our test suite. It consistently challenges more costly contenders and even beats Samsung's 970 PRO in a portion of our true benchmarks. The strong execution in our suite, combined with aggressive valuing, makes this suggestion simple.

Adata established the XPG (Xtreme Performance Gear) mark quite a long while prior. Adata planned the brand to give e-sports experts, gamers, and tech fans with elite items. XPG guarantees that each item has passed Adata's A+ trying technique, which implies it has been thoroughly tried and assessed for perseverance, information maintenance, cross temperature testing, and IC approval. Adata claims the additional layer of approval mixes the Gammix S11 with higher dependability than standard SSDs.

The Gammix S11 highlights demonstrated superior segments like Silicon Motion's SM2262 PCIe 3.0 x4 eight-channel NVMe controller and Micron's 64-layer 3D TLC NAND streak. To additionally guarantee unwavering quality and execution, the Gammix S11 utilizes Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) blunder redress code, a RAID Engine, and exceptional information molding calculations.

The Gammix S11 is Adata's quickest SSD yet, yet it isn't one of a kind. The S11 is only a SX8200 with the Gammix S10's heatsink extended. ADATA claims the heatsink gives up to 10C of additional cooling. In our testing, we recorded 9C of temperature help under load, which can be the contrast between hitting the drive's warm breaking points or keeping away from them. The two-conditioned heatsink additionally includes a touch of energy. The drive isn't only an exhausting PCB with a few segments appended: it has style.

All things considered, in case you're searching for a PC drive, simply get the stripped SX8200. Evacuating the heatsink is difficult to manage without a warmth firearm and persistence. You could harm and/or twist the PCB amid expulsion. Along these lines, for PCs the non-heatsink show (sx8200) would be better.

We tried the 480GB model in May when the SX8200 was fundamentally less expensive, improving it an arrangement than the Gammix S11. The evaluating circumstance has changed, however, as blaze costs keep on plummeting. Presently the Gammix S11 is one of the slightest costly top of the line NVMe SSDs accessible. Other NVMe SSDs at its value point offer either a large portion of the throughput or a lesser guarantee, which changes our standpoint.

The S11 comes in limits of 240GB, 480GB, and 960GB. These SSDs offer somewhat less client addressable space than their 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB contenders, yet you exchange off the usable limit with respect to additional over-provisioning that enables the S11 to convey higher execution and more perseverance.

The S11 brags a respectable 640 TBW (Terabytes Written) continuance rating that surpasses the Samsung 970 EVO and beats most different contenders. It likewise accompanies a five-year guarantee, which is standard for top of the line NVMe SSDs.

The 240GB and 480GB Gammix S11 models are indistinguishable cost from the SX8200, however the 960GB model is $70 less expensive. It's additionally $70 not as much as the 1TB Samsung 970 EVO. On the off chance that that value distinction isn't sufficient to influence you, it is $170 less expensive than the 1TB Samsung 970 PRO and offers comparable certifiable execution, in spite of the fact that the lower cost comes to the detriment of compose continuance and equipment encryption bolster.

Adata evaluated the S11 for up to 3,200 MB/s of consecutive read throughput, yet the 960GB model tops out at 3,150MB/s. The 480GB and 960GB models highlight 1,700 MB/s of consecutive compose throughput, while the 240GB model is evaluated for up to 1,200MB/s. Adata rates the compose execution in light of the execution of the SLC store, yet execution comes slamming down if the workload spills outside of the reserve. In our testing, the 960GB model assimilated approximately 288GB of information before execution debased to ~350MB/s.

Adata rates the S11 for up to 310,000/280,000 arbitrary read/compose IOPS, yet the 240GB model, once more, offers somewhat less. It is appraised at up to 200,000/240,000 read/compose IOPS.


Adata gives Acronis True Image HD, a circle movement application, and a SSD tool compartment to screen the SSD. Lamentably, in spite of what to the posting in the modification log, the present form of the SSD tool kit doesn't perceive the S11 as an Adata item. We experienced a similar issue with the SX8200 prior this year.

A Closer Look

The XPG Gammix S11 is a PCIe 3.0 x4 NVMe SSD that arrives in a M.2 2280 twofold sided frame factor. The SMI SM2262 controller speaks with the host through the most recent NVMe 1.3 convention. This is a similar controller found in the HP EX920 and Intel 760P.

Our 960GB example has a 1GB DRAM reserve spread between the two 512MB DDR3 DRAM chips. The S11 likewise has four 256GB Micron 64L 3D TLC NAND emplacements on the PCB (two on each side). The drive has a usable limit of 894GB in the wake of arranging.

960GB Performance Results

Correlation Products

We incorporated the Intel SSD 660p, a newcomer fueled by a SMI SM2263 controller and Intel's QLC NAND, in our test pool. It's a minimal effort section level item, yet it packs a punch. We additionally have the Samsung 970 EVO, WD Black, and Plextor M9Pe. All these SSDs accompany 3D TLC streak and contend straight on with the Gammix S11, yet they are pricier. The Samsung 970 PRO, the most elevated performing NAND-construct SSD in light of the market, and the Toshiba OCZ RD400, which has 2D planar MLC NAND, additionally made the cut. At last, we tossed in the Crucial MX500 as our standard SATA delegate.

Follow Testing – PCMark 8 Storage Test 2.0

PCMark 8 is a follow based benchmark that utilizations Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, World of Warcraft, and Battlefield 3 to gauge the execution of capacity gadgets in certifiable situations.

The Gammix S11 didn't look too great in our first benchmark: Even the QLC-based Intel 660p performed better. The Samsung 970 PRO totally smashed the majority of alternate drives, yet that wasn't astonishing given its top notch value point.

Amusement Scene Loading - Final Fantasy XIV

The Final Fantasy XIV StormBlood benchmark is a free certifiable diversion benchmark that effortlessly and precisely looks at amusement stack times without the incorrectness of utilizing a stopwatch.

With regards to gaming, the S11 didn't disillusion. Adata's gamer-centered XPG Gammix S11 outflanked everything except the RD400 and Intel Optane SSD 905P. It even beat the Samsung 970 EVO and PRO SSDs.

Exchange Rates – DiskBench

We utilize the DiskBench stockpiling benchmarking device to test record exchange execution with our own custom 50GB square of information. Our informational index incorporates 31,227 documents of different kinds, similar to pictures, PDFs, and recordings. We duplicate the documents to another envelope and after that catch up with a read trial of a recently composed 6 GB record.

The Gammix S11 took care of blended read and compose document exchanges great. It arrived at the midpoint of 335MB/s amid our 50GB document duplicate test. It didn't beat the Samsung 970s, yet it dramatically increased the Crucial MX500 and was fundamentally quicker than the Plextor M9Pe.

The S11 additionally took fourth place in our read test with a respectable exchange rate of 2,113MB/s.

SYSmark 2014 SE

Like PCMark, SYSmark utilizes genuine applications to quantify framework execution. SYSmark takes things considerably further, be that as it may. It uses fourteen unique applications to run genuine application workloads with genuine informational indexes to gauge how in general framework execution impacts the client encounter. BAPCo's SYSmark 2014 SE introduces a full suite of utilizations for its tests, which incorporates Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Corel WinZip, a few Adobe programming applications, and GIMP. That likewise makes it an extraordinary test to quantify the measure of time it takes to introduce generally utilized projects after you introduce a crisp working framework.

We introduced SYSmark on the expedient Gammix S11 in only 15 minutes. The drive about tied the Plextor M9Pe and was only 9 seconds slower than the Intel Optane SSD 905p. The Gammix S11 flew through our benchmark and did well in our responsiveness test as it by and by outperformed the Samsung 970 EVO and PRO.


ATTO is a basic and free application that SSD merchants normally use to allot successive execution particulars to their items. It additionally gives us understanding into how the gadget handles diverse document sizes.

The S11's 3.1GB/s of successive read throughput tested the Samsung 970 PRO up to the 32KB document measure. The S11's 1.75GB/s of compose throughput wasn't as noteworthy, however it was like Intel's 660p.

Iron block's Storage Utilities

Iron block's Storage Utility is a normally referenced benchmark that disentangles the complex IOMETER benchmark and its basic Dynamo motor with a single tick programming wrapper. The Gammix S11 scored a mediocre 12,707 focuses in the general score, putting fifth in our examination outline.

CrystalDiskMark (CDM)

CrystalDiskMark (CDM) is a basic and simple to utilize record measure benchmarking device. We gauged 3,128/1,738 MB/s of read/compose throughput at a line profundity (QD) of thirty-two.

QD1 is more delegate of execution in the working framework and regular applications. The S11 conveyed 1,994/1,531 MB/s of consecutive read/compose throughput at QD1.

Power Consumption

We utilize the Quarch XLC Programmable Power Module to pick up a more profound comprehension of intensity attributes. Sit still power utilization is a critical viewpoint to consider, particularly in case you're searching for another drive for your PC. Some SSDs can devour watts of intensity out of gear while more qualified ones taste just milliwatts. Normal workload control utilization and max utilization are two other critical perspectives. You may feel that lower control utilization is superior to anything high crest esteems, yet execution per-watt is more critical. A drive may expend more power amid any given workload, yet achieving an undertaking quicker enables the drive to drop into a sit out of gear state speedier, which eventually spares control.

The XPG Gammix S11 wasn't the most proficient drive in our test pool, yet it was certainly not the most exceedingly terrible. It arrived at the midpoint of 3.81W and hit a most extreme of 6.25W amid our 50GB document exchange test. That compares to 88MB/s per watt, which about tied the Samsung 970 EVO.

The S11 devoured 0.763W with ASPM debilitated, yet that dropped ten times to only 58mW after we empowered the component.

Warm Testing

Out of gear with the fan, the S11 floated at 22C with the heatsink and 25C without. Without the fan, the S11 sat at and 25C with the heatsink and 28C without the heatsink.

We tried if the heatsink genuinely had any kind of effect by composing 250GB of motion picture documents without ceasing. We tried both with and without a 140mm fan went for the SSD in a temperature-controlled room (21C). The S11 maximized at 44C with the heatsink and achieved 47C without it. We evacuated the fan and the S11 hit 61C with the heatsink and 70C without.


In spite of the fact that the 960GB XPG Gammix S11 didn't win in each test, it conveyed top of the line execution. The S11 even outpaced the Samsung 970 PRO and verged on coordinating the Intel Optane SSD 905p in a portion of our tests.

The XPG Gammix S11 performed commendably in our engineered tests. In any case, most remarkably, it displayed its predominant 4K QD1 read speed, which is a key estimation that relates specifically to drive spryness. The S11's 66MB/s of QD1 read throughput impelled it in front of the Samsung 970 PRO in a portion of our genuine programming based tests.

SYSmark's responsiveness test is likewise a standout amongst the most imperative benchmarks in our suite since it gauges smartness in like manner applications. The Gammix S11 was second just to the Intel Optane SSD 905P, and the hole between the drives was thin. The Gammix S11 additionally outpaced the Samsung 970 EVO and PRO in our amusement stacking benchmark, demonstrating it satisfies the XPG brand's center mission.

The Gammix S11 is normal as far as power effectiveness, however it expends next to no power out of gear. The S11's capacity effectiveness is like SATA SSDs yet somewhat lower than the Samsung 970 family. The drive would be a decent decision for a PC, however the heatsink may limit similarity with a few models. A few workstations just acknowledge single-sided M.2 sticks or have tight clearances for twofold sided drives. That implies you probably won't have the capacity to utilize the S11 with its extra heatsink.

The S11 is an ideal fit for work area motherboards, however. Its two-conditioned red and dark heatsink is both practical and trendy. It kept the S11's controller temperatures inside a safe working extent notwithstanding when there was next to zero wind stream. The heatsink brought down temperatures by 9C when the SSD was under load, about coordinating Adata's claim of 10C.

Our point of view toward the XPG Gammix S11 has changed. Only a couple of months back you were in an ideal situation buying a contending drive or picking the XPG SX8200 and taking the distinction. Costs have dropped to generally $0.29-per-GB. That is fundamentally less expensive than the Samsung 970 EVO and PRO, yet the XPG Gammix S11 offers comparable execution. The corrected evaluating makes the XPG Gammix S11 a standout amongst other value for-your-money SSDs available.


The Adata XPG Gammix S11 conveys uncommon throughput in certifiable situations and is snappier than the Samsung 970 PRO amid basic assignments. The drive has more continuance than the Samsung 970 EVO, a classy heatsink to keep it cool, and the 960GB model accompanies aggressive valuing. That mix makes the Gammix S11 outstanding amongst other qualities available.

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