Source Code Aplikasi Penjualan (Kasir) Versi 3.4 Frame Work CodeIgniter {PHP & MYSQL}
Ditulis pada: Maret 26, 2018
Sales application is an application that has the advantage to record the results of inventory and record transactions to our business consumers accurately and controlled. This sales application has a recap of the sale and stock of goods that are accurate, easy, and not complicated in running it.
Source code sales application or we can call it with this cashier application created and designed using framework codeigniter version 3.1.0 which of course by using this framework application can run with enough powerful.
The following features complete in this sales application include:
- Multi User (Admin, Cashier, Warehouse, Finance.
- Ajax-Based and using Ajax-Datatables.
- Use a user friendly look with bootstrap
- Easy and fast sales process with keyboard control.
- Print Struk
- Sales report
- Goods Data Management (Brands, Categories)
- Customer Management
- User Management
The specifications are:
- Created using the CodeIgniter 3.1.0 framework.
- Using XAMPP version 3.2.2 (MariaDB)
- PHP version 5.6
- Using the Bootstrap CSS framework
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