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Source Code Penilaian Siswa Berbasis Web PHP Framework Codeigniter 3 Siap Pakai

Source Code Student Appraisal Application with CodeIgniter - Good night all, it seems that the admin is starting to active again to share the application source code again. Yep, just this time mimin shared the application source code which you can certainly learn very easily. The mimin share application is the application used to conduct student assessments.

This student assessment application is made by Kang Andi which Kang Andi is making this student assessment application by using a codeigniter framework as the system base. Also note that this codeigniter framework is a framework that according to Mimin itself is very suitable for those of you who are learning to build an application that is of course web-based because this framework is very easy to learn and the most important is the complete documentation and community.

Yep, back to this student app. So in this student assessment application there are various modules that are quite complete, including:

Source Code Penilaian Siswa Berbasis Web PHP Framework CodeIgniter 3 Siap Pakai

  • Student Data Module
  • The module used to display student data and operations management for student data.
  • Teacher Data Module
  • The module used to display teacher data and operations management against teacher data.
  • Violation Module
  • Modules that contain components and functions for managing violations against students.
  • Assessment Module
  • Download here
  • The main module in the student assessment application which is used for processing and managing student assessments.

In terms of the user interface in the student assessment application this uses the bootstrap framework which certainly has abundant features that make this application have a modern and certainly responsive appearance.

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