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Source Code Aplikasi Rekam Medis Gigi berbasis Web (PHP Native & MySQL) Siap pakai

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Medical record application is a web-based computer application made with the PHP programming language (back-end programming) and MySQL (Query Programming) which aims to help medical experts in managing patient data digitally by using the all-time technology using Applications.

Of course, with this medical record application is very helpful in the work of medical expert management, especially dental medical experts, this medical record application is also equipped with Odontogram feature. Yep, Odontogram is one medical record approach that describes the condition of teeth using visual and supplemental code.

Because the dental medical record application is still very basic and there needs to be further development so that it becomes a complex application to be applied directly in medical needs. Therefore this application itself is currently only for reference.

Source Code Aplikasi Rekam Medis Gigi berbasis Web (PHP Native & MySQL) Siap pakai

Feature update data rekam medis :

  • Tgl kunjungan
  • Nama pasien
  • Nama Dokter
  • Diagnosa 
  • Pengangan

See also the Source Code Project here : 

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