Download Source Code Crossy Zombie game Template Unity Admob
Ditulis pada: Juli 08, 2018
How to play this game Crossy Zombie :
- You must escape through the city with full of zombies. You can choose
- coins to buy more characters, take more hearts, take the time
- increase items to slow down time. Note that you only have 3 lives. Drag
- screen for characters avoiding zombies
- Great store with 11 funny characters
- A lot of zombies
- Play endless game
- coins, gems and 3 boost items
- In app purchase: 3 coins package, 3 gem packs, no ads
- Unity awards video
- Admob Interestial
- Support android and iOS
How do I Reskin Modify this game?
open the project, locate the Resources / Sprite folder, all the graphs are placed there,
change the .png file to reskin this game
How to apply the In App Purchase function to this project?
Get the app purchase product ID in the google play developer console
Open game scene , find IAPManager and put product id
Password : ^&%PirateTreasure@#$%
Only for Android :
get Base 64 encode on google play developer console
in Unity editor, click UnityIAP -> IAP Validation Obfuscator and
put Base 64 encode there
How do I change my Admob ID and Unity ID?
Open the game scene and Find the Ad object, enter your id there
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