Source Code Asset program antrian berbasis Android PHP Mobile Json SQlite
Ditulis pada: Juli 26, 2018
framework for in-memory data grid, where we can share data (memory-based) between one application with another application easily. Hazelcast supports distributed java.util.Map, java.util.List, java.util.Queue and others.
In this article I share about using hazelcast to create queue simulation application in bank, where application will run 2 role, Customer and Teller. Customer will take queue number and Teller will get queue number. The application runs using Hazelcast so it can run multiple instances at once, either on a single computer or on multiple networked computers.
By using Hazelcast to create applications that require data sharing so much easier, compared if we use the database, and each want to retrieve data must query to the database. Here is a screenshot of the app