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Review Monitor Gaming MSI Optix MPG27CQ :Color Bends, Calibration Conundrums

MSI Optix MPG27CQ Gaming Monitor Review: Color Bends, Calibration Conundrums

1. Highlights and Specifications

In our scope of the most recent high powerful range (HDR) screens, we've gabbed about expanded shading and its effect on both gaming and different sorts of diversion. It's insufficient to offer 3,840 x
2,160 goals and HDR. You require a shading range that goes past sRGB.

In any case, a screen like that will require gigantic handling power from its associated PC to push more than 8,000,000 pixels around the screen at a 10-bit flag profundity. Not exclusively will the show cost a considerable measure, the video card expected to drive it will set you back almost $1,000.

For those of us with littler spending plans, there's Quad HD (QHD). QHD goals (2,560 x 1,440) offers a decent overhaul from Full HD (FHD) goals (1,920 x 1,080) what's more, doesn't request a superior video card to accomplish outline rates of 60 outlines for each second (fps) or more. On the off chance that you expel HDR and 10-bit shading from the blend, the execution adjust turns out to be considerably less demanding and less expensive to figure it out. Enter MSI's Optix MPG27CQ, a 27-inch vertical arrangement (VA) board with a 1,800R shape, FreeSync from 48-144Hz, fascinating
gaming-centered RGB lighting highlights, and expanded shading.


The main inquiry you may ask is "the reason bended a 16:9 screen?" We pondered that ourselves. The immersive impact is unpretentious, best case scenario. Clients will fill a greater amount of their fringe vision with a 21:9 screen, ideally estimating no less than 35 inches slantingly. In this way, what can you do with a 27-inch bended 16:9 board?

Three of these screens together makes for an noteworthy work area where your whole field of view is loaded up with the gaming condition. It's about as close as you'll get to a genuine test system outside of a NASA office. In any case, to get that going you'll require a essentially higher-end illustrations card to drive the three screens.

Obviously, picture quality is foremost, and to that end, MSI conveyed a VA board fit for more than 3000:1 differentiate. There is no HDR here, yet our tests uncovered more than 82% scope of DCI-P3 shading and a walloping 122% of sRGB. While this may not compare to the most precise picture, the show will look profoundly immersed and distinctive.

Gaming is improved by a 144Hz revive rate, accomplished without overclock, and variable-invigorate FreeSync from 48-144Hz. That implies low framerate remuneration is on the table for those circumstances when speeds dip under 48fps. With 8-bit shading and QHD goals nonetheless, this shouldn't be an issue for anybody with a mid- evaluated designs card.

Unloading and Accessories

The MPG27CQ delivers in three pieces that don't require instruments for gathering. The board snaps onto the upright, or on the other hand you can utilize the 100mm VESA mount carries for an secondary selling arm or section. MSI is liberal in packaging HDMI, USB 3.0 and DisplayPort links in the box. The power supply is an outer block with its claim control rope. You likewise get a simple sound link, a guarantee card and fast begin direct.

Product 360

The two things we saw first with the MPG27CQ were the 1,800R arch and the cool lighting impact beating over the front bezel. As a solitary screen, the bend is unpretentious and won't affect gaming encounters much, except if you get a few MPG27CQs together. That is made less demanding because of the screen's tight 8mm bezel at the best and sides. The base strip is 1 inch (25.4mm) and sports five thin groups of LED lights.

As a matter of course, the lights beat through the whole range of shading, tenderly changing from left to right, and this is supplemented by a light example over the back of the show that additionally beats and changes shading. You can kill the lights in the screen's OSD. Be that as it may, to take full preferred standpoint of the five zones of LED lighting underneath the show, you'll require to introduce Steelseries' GameSense programming and run the included USB link from the screen to your PC.

GameSense gives you a chance to utilize the RGB zones beneath the show to indicate things like cooldowns, wellbeing, and other in-diversion factors. The genuine issue however, is that as close as should be obvious the product as it were underpins three surely understood titles as of this written work: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, DOTA 2 and Minecraft.

There's additionally a music visualizer and support for Disunity visit application. Be that as it may, for the lighting here to be a beneficial component for most gamers, MSI and SteelSeries should include bolster for some more titles.

The OSD is controlled by a little joystick at the back right. It's extremely all around planned and instinctive, enabling one to flash through the menus rapidly. A isolate key switches power and highlights a little white Prompted show status.

The stand is extremely strong, with one of the most profound every single metal base we've seen. It could without much of a stretch help a screen double the size. All things considered, the additional profundity implies the screen can't be pushed back as far on shallow work areas. You may discover it awkwardly close on the off chance that you don't have a great deal of room accessible. The upright offers strong development with 4.6-inch stature, 40° swivel toward every path, 20° back tilt and 5° forward. Assemble quality is high with great haul and a premium feel.

In a left side break, you'll discover two USB 3.0 ports alongside an earphone yield and mic input, both 3.5mm. An extra simple sound yield lives on the base confronting jack board by two HDMI 2.0 ports what's more, a solitary DisplayPort 1.2. All video associations bolster the screen's full local goals at 144Hz with FreeSync.

2.OSD Setup and Calibration

The MPG27CQ has a dashboard-style menu that shows input goals, invigorate rate, picture mode, zero dormancy status and dynamic contribution to all screens. It's partitioned into seven sub-areas.

First up is Gaming, where you can look over one of five picture modes. Client is the default and the most shading exact too. Different alternatives incorporate Black Tuner, which builds shadow detail, Response Time (overdrive), Anti Motion Blur (backdrop illumination strobe), Invigorate Rate (fps counter), Alarm Clock (lets you know when to quit playing), Screen Assistance (12 diverse pointing focuses) and a FreeSync Toggle. The Hostile to Motion Blur choice is empowered when FreeSync is killed and will work up to 144Hz. It resembles the ULMB include found on G-Sync screens. It moreover decreases shine by around 8% and handicaps both the Zero Latency alternative and shine slider. Yield is at that point bolted at around 180 nits of shine.

The Professional sub-menu will speak to non-gamers, with four extra picture modes alongside Eye Saver (low blue light), HDCR (dynamic differentiation) and Picture Enhancement. The last ought to be kept away from as it makes noteworthy rings around dim articles. The MPG27CQ is sufficiently sharp without extra edge upgrade.

The Image menu has the standard shine, differentiate and sharpness controls, alongside three shading temp presets and a User mode. We'll detail our alignment encounter beneath, yet the short story is pick Ordinary and set brilliance to taste. There is no advantage to utilizing the gave RGB sliders.

After the Input Source selector is a PBP/PIP menu. It permits the review of two sources at the same time. Navi Key gives you a chance to program the four headings of the joystick from a pleasant rundown of various capacities, giving snappy access to generally utilized choices.

Setting offers different OSD dialects, menu straightforwardness and timeout, sound source determination, a flip for the LED lighting impact and a full reset everything being equal.


The MPG27CQ is sensibly shading exact out of the box, however its grayscale and gamma following have room for development. Shockingly, any endeavors at alignment were ruined by some odd conduct in the Customization shading temp mode. Changing to this mode lessened brilliance by over half and took gamma to a place we'd rather not go. Basically our aligned outcomes were more awful than the default numbers and we could discover no workaround. We prescribe leaving the screen in its default state and basically setting splendor to a level proper for your condition.

Here's the place to put the splendor slider to accomplish usually utilized shine levels.

3. Brightness and Contrast

To peruse about our screen tests inside and out, it would be ideal if you look at Display Testing Explained: How We Test Screens and TVs. We cover splendor and differentiation testing on page two.

Uncalibrated – Maximum Backlight Level

For examination, we approached a gathering of VA boards. Some resemble the MPG27CQ and need HDR, while others do have HDR. We've incorporated MSI's MAG24C, Asus' ROG
trix XG35V and ROG Strix XG32V, AOC's AG322QCX and BenQ's EX3501R.

MSI claims 400 nits for the MPG27CQ. We didn't exactly arrive in our testing, yet there was a lot of light accessible for the show's proposed reason. What's more, there was sufficient overhead for the backdrop illumination strobe include as well. Turning that on lessened yield by just 8%; be that as it may, the shine slider was at that point turned gray out, which left the backdrop illumination settled at around 180 nits. This is fine much of the time, yet a few control would be pleasant.

The MPG27CQ's dark levels were slightly higher than normal among our correlation gathering. Be that as it may, that additional yield implied a differentiation proportion more than 3000:1, enough for second place. Picture profundity was brilliant and the additional shading, while somewhat unnatural to our eyes, was outwardly striking.

Uncalibrated – Minimum Backlight Level

The zero brilliance setting yielded 33 nits yield, which is excessively diminish for us. To get 50 nits, tap the slider up to 4. Difference will be somewhat lessened as you bring down the backdrop illumination level, yet insufficient to be seen by the stripped eye. We'd in any case call this reliable execution.

After Calibration to 200 nits

Our adjustment leaves differentiate at just shy of 3000:1, which is good thing. Furthermore, we didn't encounter any decrease interestingly when utilizing the Anti Motion Blur include like we've seen in numerous other backdrop illumination strobes. Since we don't suggest alignment given our surprising outcomes, the aligned complexity test is to a great extent pointless (our outlines above demonstrate the dark levels and differentiation proportion at 200 nits). Simply figure that wherever you set the splendor slider, differentiate will be around 3000:1 with awesome dark levels and distinctive shading.

ANSI Contrast Ratio

We quantified somewhat higher blacks from our ANSI checkerboard design, bringing about a drop to 2511.6:1. This isn't altogether unique execution contrasted with any of alternate screens,aside from MSI's MAG24C, which kept up its level superior to the others. In any case, the MPG27CQ still offered much more powerful range than any IPS board.

4.Grayscale, Gamma and Color

Grayscale Tracking

We depict our grayscale and gamma tests in detail here.

We don't have much to appear here since the best mode for the MPG27CQ is, truth be told, the User preset with no modifications. We quantified the default Normal shading temp preset to produce the main diagram. The preset demonstrated a little piece of additional blue, however none of the blunders were genuinely noticeable, so we'd consider this very great out-of-box execution.

When we chose the Customize shading temp, brilliance instantly dropped by the greater part and gamma turned out to be greatly light. On the off chance that you need to turn this astounding VA board into an unremarkable TN (turned nematic) one, that is the best approach to do it. Our changes yielded more terrible outcomes with clear green blunders in the darkest advances.

This is the main screen we've ever investigated where we prescribe keeping away from alignment.


The best number we quantified was the default 2.46dE. That is a tolerable out-of-box result, yet a marginally beneath normal adjusted one. The MPG27CQ could utilize a bit of tweaking at the firmware level.

Gamma Response

Our bizarre outcomes stretched out to gamma following as well. The MPG27CQ's follow demonstrates a mound at 10%, which demonstrates inadequate luminance at that level. Without a doubt, a 0-10% stage design indicates pounded detail at the base. As it were, the last three stages are a solitary shade of dark. You can settle this with the Black Tuner control, yet that will change gamma in different territories and is an extremely coarse alteration. We propose allowing it to sit unbothered as we experienced no difficulty seeing all the shadow detail in the substance we viewed or amusements we played.

The Customize shading temp made an odd gamma bend (found in the second graph) that is excessively dim at the base and too light at the best. It expelled quite a bit of the picture profundity and influenced things to look level and washed out. Once more, we prescribe staying with the Normal preset.


The MPG27CQ's gamma following midpoints sensibly near 2.2. A 3.18% deviation shows a normal estimation of 2.13. In any case, the varieties set it in last put among the examination assemble in the scope of values tried. This is another territory where MSI may have the capacity to offer a firmware change without excessively exertion.

Color Gamut and Luminance

We were concerned the MPG27CQ's gamma execution would unfavorably influence shading following. Be that as it may, cheerfully, that was not the situation. It took after the objectives well what's more, dealt with its additional extent volume legitimately.

For subtle elements on our shading array testing and volume counts, it would be ideal if you click here.

As we said in advance, this is a DCI-P3 screen. In any case since it doesn't bolster HDR or Ultra HD in some other way, by what means will it handle sRGB material? You can see from our extent diagrams that it essentially offers a touch of additional shading at the sRGB target focuses until coming to the edge of the triangle where the 100% estimation moves outside. In the DCI-P3 diagram you can see that the MPG27CQ does not endeavor to hit the internal immersions of that particular. This is a It's fortunate on the grounds that it implies that most material, which exists inside the triangle, will look more characteristic than exaggerated. Just the extremely brightest hues will appear to be off. Furthermore, we expect most clients won't whine.

The last two diagrams demonstrate our adjustment endeavor. It didn't change shading following or luminance in any huge way.


The MPG27CQ'S 2.29dE normal shading mistake is sensible for a gaming screen, yet the other screens in the correlation bunch offer marginally better precision. Nonetheless, the MPG27CQ has one of the biggest in general extent volumes in the gathering. The AOC screen is a touch of abnormality since it has different extent modes, neither of which can hit 100% of their targets. Both MSI screens offer a solitary array that significantly surpasses sRGB and covers more than 80% of DCI-P3. Shading basic applications are outside this screen's plan aim, yet in the event that you need rich and soaked shades for your recreations and films, there are barely any better shows in this value go.

5. Review Angles, Uniformity, Response and Lag

Review Angles

VA boards aren't the best for off-pivot picture quality, in any case, the MPG27CQ offered comparative execution to other illustrations we've tried. We saw a conspicuous red move to the sides with a half decrease in light. Up top, detail was about wiped out, with a similar red tint. Then again, the bend truly helps when utilizing this screen in a multi-screen setup. With a 1,800R bend you can expect all aspects of each screen surface to be a similar separation from your eye and set at a similar point. That implies the picture will be steady over your field of view.

Screen Uniformity

To figure out how we measure screen consistency, it would be ideal if you click here.

Our MPG27CQ test conveyed astounding screen consistency operating at a profit and white field tests. Luminance was consummately smooth from edge to edge with no obvious problem areas, drain, or gleam. The same can't be said of the shading test, where we saw slight green furthermore, red tints in the middle and right zones. It was difficult to spot in genuine substance as the blunder was very little, however we could see it in a 80% dark field design.

Pixel Response and Input Lag

If it's not too much trouble click here to peruse up on our pixel reaction furthermore, input slack testing methods.

This screen executed and additionally some other 144Hz show we've checked on and has a snappy 9ms draw time what's more, 28ms of aggregate info slack. Indeed, even the most talented gamers ought to have no issues piling on frags when utilizing a MPG27CQ. Mouse and console inputs were made an interpretation of in a flash into on-screen development and there was no deferral or stammering. Movement obscure was negligible when utilizing any of the overdrive settings and indeed, even less articulated when the backdrop illumination strobe is turned on.

Gaming With FreeSync

Booting up Tomb Raider with illustrations set to High detail yielded outline rates somewhere in the range of 80 and 100fps with no trace of slack. Flipping amongst FreeSync and Anti Movement Blur demonstrated no distinction in quality. We played with splendor set to 200 nits, thus the backdrop illumination strobe just lessened that by a little sum. Notwithstanding, if the room was all the more splendidly lit, additional yield would be welcome; customers ought to consider that issue when taking a gander at the MPG27CQ. Overdrive made a touch of ghosting on the Fast setting. At the point when FreeSync is on, the Fastest alternative is turned gray out. Dialing it back to Normal brought about smooth execution with strong movement goals and no antiques. Fast mouse developments did not cause any falter or edge tears when FreeSync was deactivated.

Clients with elite video cards will have no inconvenience hitting this current screen's 144fps max rate. QHD goals still gives astounding point of interest and clearness. What's more, the VA board is in charge of a brilliant picture with bunches of profundity and measurement. What's more, that additional shading? It didn't point out itself. Most of our experience was the same than what we'd see on a general sRGB screen. Just the most immersed shades look brighter.

To put it plainly, the MPG27CQ is a great gaming screen also, we'd be cheerful to utilize it for easygoing and aggressive play.

6. Conclusion

MSI gets straight to the point regarding expanded shading support in the MPG27CQ. While the merchant doesn't particularly specify DCI-P3 in its promoting, in view of our testing this is unmistakably a DCI screen.

Be that as it may, it's not only the external shading focuses that issue. The lion's offer of substance exists inside the shading triangle. That is the place precision matters most. MSI understood that piece of the condition right. Our test outcomes demonstrate the MPG27CQ tracks sRGB through the majority of the immersion go and just applies its additional shading to the peripheral focuses. When we looked at content and gamed on the show, about everything looked normal with just the brightest pictures showing up somewhat exaggerated.

We have worries about this present screen's alignment capacities however. While its show is respectable out of the crate, we were not able enhance its default state. Grayscale blunders were to a great extent undetectable, however given the phenomenal complexity VA boards are prepared to do, we'd jump at the chance to see a change made to

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